Não quero...

Não me parece que algum dia vá conseguir, nem sequer faço um pequeno esforço!

Oliver Shanti - Sacral Nirvana

Mount Fuji, an active stratovolcano in Japan t...Image via Wikipedia

The beauty of japan, knows the marvels of japan and his surroundings the mount fuji.., theme buda bar III Tai Chi Too music from tibetan, mongolia, ori, turk, Indian and arabic cultures as well. Near east middle east and far east...

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Agalloch - Summerisle Reprise

This one of my favourites sad piano songs,really inspiring and beautifull,directed by me with a lovely sunrise in high definition,so enjoy this!


Lord Summerisle: "And the ministers fled the island never to return. What my grandfather started out of expediency, my father continued out of love. He brought me up the same way: to reverence the music, and the drama, and the rituals of the old gods; to love nature and to fear it, and to rely on it and to appease it when necessary. He brought me up--"

Sergeant Howie: "He brought you up to be a pagan!"

Lord Summerisle: "A heathen, conceivably but not, I hope, an unenlightened one."

Some infos:
Agalloch is an American metal band formed in 1995 in Portland, Oregon. The band is led by vocalist and guitarist John Haughm and so far have released four limited EPs, three full-length albums, two demos, one split album, and one compilation album. A live DVD and a fourth full-length album are planned for future release.


Clann Zu - Lights Below: conhecem? Vale bem a pena parar, ouvir e reflectir...

Words For Snow

So many call here on their way down below & I'll be here burning till the end of time. Thoughts of the falling burn from the ceiling to wall & I'll be here waiting till the end of time. And nothing here is safe & nothing here is sacred & the thing you care for most will crawl away wounded as you tell it you love it, into the dark recesses & hollowed out corners of nothing. And the last touch is always the hardest & the last touch is always the same & the last look is the one that will kill ya & the last touch is the one that will drive you insane. And as the night fell & the gutters swelled with the roar of the pissing city & the falling balling & crawling below he sat shaking uncontrollably by the window looking over the pestilent street. And he sat & he prayed & he prayed & he sat & he prayed to St. Augustus, St Brigid, Padre Pio, patron saint of all sinners, patron saint of all fools, patron saint of every fucking dying crawling thing beneath him, shouting out the names of the dead & forgotten. And he cried out for Christ's sake help me! For Christ's sake get me out of here! God of all sick things get me the fuck out of here! Release me!

Madrugada ~ Sirens

Uma das melhores músicas de sempre:

Por esta eu não esperava. O Vaticano reconhece a existência de vida inteligente noutros planetas.
O Director do Observatório Astronómico do Vaticano, o padre José Gabriel Funes, admite que "pode haver um planeta habitado por seres que não cometeram o pecado original" - não sei o que este tipo anda a tomar mas eu também quero. Então não cometeram o pecado original? Essa lei só se aplica aos terráqueos? Bolas que já não percebo nada. A Igreja andou anos, séculos melhor dizendo, a
perseguir cientistas, e agora já admite que pode existir vida inteligente no espaço. Ainda por cima purinhos da silva!
Descendo por um pouco à Terra, e que tal se em vez de andarem para aí preocupados com o que se passa noutras galáxias, se preocupassem com coisas mais importantes como educar os fiéis da Igreja Católica que tão necessitados andam?

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